Anbo is a Colville, Washington based company which specializes

It can dig out roots and stumps, remove trees, logs and brush or surface rake limbs and debris without removing the much needed topsoil, or piling up unnecessary dirt. With intertwined teeth, it can even make large piles and pick them up from the front or lift them from the top. This is especially helpful when loading debris piles onto trailers or guarding piles for burn disposal . Bob Chapman was faced with the task of removing over 300 trees due to beetle kill."I wondered how they were going to clean up the huge mess without destroying habitat for the living trees and adjoining grassland." Chapman said "It looked like a war zone, with logs, branches, and stumps everywhere.Before to remove debris, Chapman used a 4WD tractor with bucket attachment He didn't like the results.On his 70-acre property in Steamboat, Colorado.Too many forest management tasks are still done the old fashion way, from logging and national part conservation to property habitat and fire protection. Even when equipment is used to pick up, move, or stack trees, logs, brush or other fire hazards with shovel, chainsaw, and backbreaking sweat, there are drawbacks whenever these tasks require control and efficiency. The grapple rake, which hydraulically opens, closes, and moves its jaws of spaced metal tines, is becoming essential.


Anbo is a Colville, Washington based company which specializes in high quality designed products for tractors, skid steers, and loaders.Traditional bucket attachments,seem to have trouble holding unwieldy loads, scoop up excess dirt, and are largely ineffective at tasks requiring fine control such as raking limbs or debris.With this difficult task in front of Chapman he said. To solve this, those responsible for managing private and public forestland are using a versatile new attachment -the hydraulic grapple rake Embroidery machine parts Suppliers - to their loaders, skid steers, and tractors. It can rake, lift, drag, or haul loads within inches of desired forest habitat without disturbing it. He found that the juniper grew among rocky outcroppings making the task very difficult. This would allow the dirt to sift through the rake's tines, but not brush and debris. Because of the enormity of the task, a commercial timber company was hired to do the work. Before when Chapman tried to remove flammable juniper ground spread still trying to preserve the delicate aspen. To increase your forest management tasks, Use the hydraulic grapple rake, a versatile new loader/tractor/skid steer attachment, which has a combination of strength, control and flexibility. This new attachment is more efficient than manual labor and more adaptable than the bucket.


A six-foot grapple rake with 6-inch tine spacing was decided upon. I was so impressed with the way a skid steer mounted grapple rake navigated living trees while removing huge loads of debris that I talked the timber company into letting me operate it for a few days.


The grapple rake can operate like a bucket, by it's ability to be raised and lowered, and rolled forward and backward, but, it has a third hydraulic function which is to open and close its jaws. The needles went right through leather gloves. ."Now Chapman put the hydraulic grapple rake to good use on a five acre, Nederland, Colorado property for fire mitigation." Chapman continued, "you couldn't put a chainsaw to it because it grew among rocks and dirt.


Anbo Manufacturing was contacted and built the rake to fit his loader."Anbo Manufacturing makes the hydraulic grapple rake that the timber company used." Chapman liked the results of the grapple rake, he continued, "Since the grapple rake just scrapes debris off the top and can back rake with accuracy, the grass grew back beautifully in one season. "I'd hired a crew to remove the juniper, but it was basically pickax, shovel, sweat and cuss. "Because the bucket lacked finesse, it left holes and skinned spots that removed topsoil and made it difficult for decorative grassland to grow back.With the ongoing beetle kill and the ever ending fire prevention tasks, Bob Chapman decided that he wanted a grapple rake for his own multi-terrain loader. The grapple rake can securely pick up, move,and stack logs, trees, or irregular loads up to several thousand pounds.